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ECHA Launches Public Consultation on Candidates for Substitution for Ethanol

Mar 12, 2025
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On 25 February 2025, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced a public consultation to collect information regarding Candidates for Substitution. The consultation will remain open until 28 April 2025.

Substance name

EC Number

CAS Number

Product type

Consultation start date

Consultation end date




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Substitution and Approval Process for Active Substances under the BPR

Under the European Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR), substances that meet substitution criteria are listed as Candidates for Substitution (CfS) by ECHA, signaling potential replacement by safer alternatives. These substances undergo strict approval processes and are subject to eventual phase-out. ECHA engages in public consultations to assess alternatives before recommending approvals or renewals to the European Commission.

The BPR prohibits the authorization of substances identified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, reproductive toxicants, endocrine disruptors, or as persistent and bioaccumulative (PBT/vPvB), unless they are used in controlled environments, significantly reduce risks, or are indispensable for managing critical health or environmental threats with no alternatives.

For such exceptions, the approval conditions are stringent, generally limiting authorization to five years with strict usage restrictions. Member States must ensure all conditions are met before approving these biocidal products for use.


Stakeholders may submit comments and access detailed information via:



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