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UN Number: 2037
Regulations concerning Road Transportation of Dangerous Goods (ADR)
Proper Shipping Name/Description
Transport LabelsClass or Div.(Sub Hazard)Classification CodePacking GroupSymbolsSpecial ProvisionsLtd Qty MaxEQ
Portable Tank and Bulk Container Instructions
Tanker TruckTransport Category (Tunnel Access Restriction Code)
Special Transport Provisions
Hazard Identification Signals
Packing Instructions
Special Packing Provisions
Mixed Packing Provisions
Special Provisions
Tank Code
Special Provisions
Loading and Unloading
2037RECEPTACLES,SMALL,CONTAINING GAS (GAS CARTRIDGES) without a release device,non⁃refillable
25A2.2191; 303; 3441LE0P003PP17; RR6MP93; (E)CV9; CV12
2037RECEPTACLES,SMALL,CONTAINING GAS( GAS CARTRIDGES) without a release device,non⁃refillable
25F2.1191; 303; 3441LE0P003PP17; RR6MP92; (D)CV9; CV12S2
2037RECEPTACLES,SMALL,CONTAINING GAS (GAS CARTRI DGES) without a release device,non-refillable
25O2.2+5.1191; 303; 3441LE0P003PP17; RR6MP93; (E)CV9; CV12
2037RECEPTACLES, SMALL, CONTAINING GAS (GAS CARTRI DGES) without a release device,non refillable
25T2.3303; 344120mLE0P003PP17; RR6MP91; (D)CV9; CV12
2037RECEPTACLES, SMALL, CONTAINING GAS (GAS CARTRI DGES) without a release device,non refillable
25TC2.3+8303; 344120mLE0P003PP17; RR6MP91; (D)CV9; CV12
2037RECEPTACLES, SMALL, CONTAINING GAS (GAS CARTRI DGES) without a release device,non refillable
25TF2.3+2.1303; 344120mLE0P003PP17; RR6MP91; (D)CV9; CV12S2
2037RECEPTACLES, SMALL, CONTAINING GAS (GAS CARTRI DGES) without a release device,non refillable
25TFC2.3+2.1+8303; 344120mLE0P003PP17; RR6MP91; (D)CV9; CV12S2
2037RECEPTACLES, SMALL, CONTAINING GAS (GAS CARTRI DGES) without a release device,non refillable
25TO2.3+5.1303; 344120mLE0P003PP17; RR6MP91; (D)CV9; CV12
2037RECEPTACLES, SMALL, CONTAINING GAS (GAS CARTRI DGES) without a release device,non refillable
25TOC2.3+5.1+8303; 344120mLE0P003PP17; RR6MP91; (D)CV9; CV12
IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA DGR)
Proper Shipping Name/Description
Transport LabelsClass or Div.(Sub Hazard)Packing Group
Passenger Aircraft (PAX)
Cargo Aircraft (CAO)
Special Provisions
Ltd Qty Packing Instructions
Ltd Qty Max
Packing Instructions
Max Net Qty/Pkge
Packing Instructions
Max Net Qty/Pkge
2037Gas cartridges (flammable) without a release device, non-refillable
2.1E0Y2031 kg2031 kg20315 kgA145, A167, A802
2037Gas cartridges (non-flammable) without a release device, non-refillable
2.2E0Y2031 kg2031 kg20315 kgA98, A145, A167, A802
2037Gas cartridges (oxidizing) without a release device, non-refillable
2.2 (5.1)E0ForbiddenForbidden2031 kg20315 kgA145, A167, A802
2037Gas cartridges (toxic and corrosive) without a release device, non-refillable
2.3 (8)ForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenA2
2037Gas cartridges (toxic and flammable) without a release device, non-refillable
2.3 (2.1)ForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenA2
2037Gas cartridges (toxic and oxidizing) without a release device, non-refillable
2.3 (5.1)ForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenA2
2037Gas cartridges (toxic, flammable and corrosive) without a release device, non refillable
2.3 (2.1, 8)ForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenA2
2037Gas cartridges (toxic, oxidizing and corrosive) without a release device, non-refillable
2.3 (5.1, 8)ForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenA2,A211
2037Gas cartridges (toxic) without a release device, non-refillable
2037Receptacles, small, containing gas (flammable) without a release device, non-refillable
2.1E0Y2031 kg2031 kg20315 kgA145, A167, A802
2037Receptacles, small, containing gas (non-flammable) without a release device, non-refillable
2.2E0Y2031 kg2031 kg20315 kgA98, A145, A167, A802
2037Receptacles, small, containing gas (oxidizing) without a release device, non-refillable
2.2 (5.1)E0ForbiddenForbidden2031 kg20315 kgA145, A167, A802
2037Receptacles, small, containing gas (toxic and corrosive) without a release device, non-refillable
2.3 (8)ForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenA2
2037Receptacles, small, containing gas (toxic and flammable) without a release device, non-refillable
2.3 (2.1)ForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenA2
2037Receptacles, small, containing gas (toxic and oxidizing) without a release device, non-refillable
2.3 (5.1)ForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenA2
2037Receptacles, small, containing gas (toxic, flammable and corrosive) without a release device, non-refillable
2.3 (2.1, 8)ForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenA2
2037Receptacles, small, containing gas (toxic, oxidizing and corrosive) without a release device, non-refillable
2.3 (5.1, 8)ForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenForbiddenA2,A11
2037Receptacles, small, containing gas (toxic) without a release device, non-refillable
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code)
Proper Shipping Name/Description
Transport LabelsClass or Div.(Sub Hazard)Sub HazardPacking GroupSpecial ProvisionsLtd Qty MaxEQ
Intermediate Bulk Containers
Portable Tank and Bulk Container
Emergency MeasuresStowage and HandlingIsolation
Tank Guidelines
Special Tank Provisions
2037RECEPTACLES, SMALL, CONTAINING GAS (GAS CARTRIDGES) without a release device, non-refillable
2191;277;303;344See SP277E0P003PP17F-D, S-UCategory B;SW2
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