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Vietnam List of Banned Chemical Weapons

Vietnam, in order to fulfill its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), has issued Decree No. 33 of 2024. This decree aims to strictly manage toxic chemicals and their precursors, and to strengthen the control over the production and business activities of these chemicals.
According to the CWC, chemicals are clearly classified into Categories 1, 2, and 3. All involved enterprises must register in accordance with the law, the person in charge must have a background in chemistry, and workers who come into direct contact with chemicals must receive safety training. For Category 1 chemicals, the decree stipulates that production is limited to specific purposes such as scientific research and national defense. For Categories 2 and 3 chemicals, the decree specifies the licensing conditions for their production and business activities, including the necessary material and technological infrastructure requirements. These measures ensure that the production and use of chemicals are under strict supervision to prevent their use for non-peaceful purposes.
For more information, please contactchemicals@cirs-group.com