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UK REACH Authorisation List (Annex 14)

Annex 14 of the UK REACH Regulation is a copy of Annex XIV of the EU REACH Regulation as it stood at the end of the transition period, and the existing EU list of authorized substances (Annex XIV) has been retained under UK REACH.
The authorization provisions in UK REACH are designed to promote the gradual replacement of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) with substances or technologies that present a lower risk. According to Article 58(3) of the Regulation, the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) must recommend priority substances from the SVHC candidate list to be included in the authorization list (Annex 14). Substances included in the authorization list require authorization after the sunset date for certain uses or to be placed on the UK market, unless an exemption has already been granted for that use.
For more information, please contactchemicals@cirs-group.com