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China,Taiwan List of Toxic Chemical Substances

Entries: 195
Items: 506
Last update: Aug 10, 2023
Entry number
CAS number
English substance name
Original name of substance
Control concentration
Toxicity classification
No data
China,Taiwan List of Toxic Chemical Substances
Introduction of GCIS
Currently, there are over 300 chemicals in the List of Toxic Chemical Substances which is published by the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan Executive Yuan in accordance with the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act (TCCSCA). Chemicals on the List are classified into 4 classes based on their toxicological characteristics, namely, Class 1 toxic chemical substances (substances that are not prone to decompose), Class 2 toxic chemical substances (substances that have chronic toxicity), Class 3 toxic chemical substances (substances that have acute toxicity), and Class 4 toxic chemical substances. This List can improve the management of toxic chemical substances, strengthen hazard assessment and prevention measures to prevent disasters from toxic chemicals.
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