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ECHA Opens Public Consultation on Tetraethyllead Regulations

Time: Nov 28, 2024All Notifications

On November 6, 2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launched a public consultation to gather opinions and evidence on Tetraethyllead usage. This initiative aims to collect feedback on potential regulations, providing stakeholders a platform to influence policy. The insights will help develop an Annex XV Restriction Dossier to ensure chemical safety and protect public health and the environment. Further details are provided below:

Name Tetraethyllead
EC/CAS Number 201-075-4 / 78-00-2
Start of Consultation November 6, 2024
Deadline for Input December 18, 2024
Objective of the call

The purpose of this consultation is to gather feedback on the draft screening report under REACH Article 69(2) and evaluate if risks from substances listed in REACH Annex XIV are controlled post-sunset date.

If risks are deemed uncontrolled, ECHA will prepare an Annex XV Restriction Dossier.

The consultation also seeks information on:

  • Potential uses and releases of tetraethyllead in articles.
  • Other relevant details about tetraethyllead not covered in the Screening Report.


Further Information


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