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India Delays Implementation of Morpholine Quality Control Order Again

Time: Nov 25, 2024All Notifications

The Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (DCPC) of India recently announced that the Quality Control Order (QCO) for morpholine, originally scheduled to take effect on August 1, 2024, was delayed again, with the new implementation date set for May 1, 2025. This quality control order was initially planned to be effective in August 2024, but was delayed to November following industry feedback requiring more preparation time. This further postponement aims to provide manufacturers and other relevant industry stakeholders additional time to update their production processes to comply with the new quality standards.

Once this QCO is implemented, manufacturers of morpholine must apply for licenses from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). The products must bear the standard mark under the license. The orders do not apply to morpholine intended for export only. All relevant manufacturers must comply with these new orders. Those who fails to comply with the orders shall be penalized in accordance with the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act (BIS Act), 2016.

The DCPC emphasized that, before this QCO officially takes effect, manufacturers may continue to produce, store, or trade morpholine in accordance with the existing regulations.


Further Information

Indian Gazette

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