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Import Dangerous Goods Transportation Label.
Date:Dec 27, 2024

Specific Q: Hello. Our company plans to import a batch of dangerous goods that are both hazardous chemicals and Class 9 dangerous goods. The product packaging has a hazard public notice label. However, can the transportation label only be affixed to the container, exempting it from being affixed to the product packaging? Thank you.

A: According to the rules for the road transport of dangerous goods, transportation labels should be painted or fixed on the containers of dangerous goods; according to the "United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods", transportation labels should be affixed to the packages of dangerous goods.



  1. Regulations concerning road transportation of dangerous goods—Part 4: Provisions for the use of transport packagings
  2. Regulations concerning road transportation of dangerous goods—Part 4:Provisions for the use of transport packagings (Amendment No. 1)
  3. United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods The Second Volume


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