Specific Q: Hello. Our company plans to import a batch of dangerous goods that are both hazardous chemicals and Class 9 dangerous goods. The product packaging has a hazard public notice label. However, can the transportation label only be affixed to the container, exempting it from being affixed to the product packaging? Thank you.
A: According to the rules for the road transport of dangerous goods, transportation labels should be painted or fixed on the containers of dangerous goods; according to the "United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods", transportation labels should be affixed to the packages of dangerous goods.
- Regulations concerning road transportation of dangerous goods—Part 4: Provisions for the use of transport packagings
- Regulations concerning road transportation of dangerous goods—Part 4:Provisions for the use of transport packagings (Amendment No. 1)
- United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods The Second Volume
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Hazardous Chemicals Registration in China