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Consultation on hazardous chemicals in line with the 70% principle.
Date:Dec 25, 2024

Specific Q: Some chemicals are not included in the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals (2015), and their main dangerous component content is 70%, but their hazardous characteristics conform to the determination principles of hazardous chemicals, making them hazardous chemicals. We have the following questions regarding these products: 1. Are these products subject to the regulatory requirements of the Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals? 2. Can these products be stored in ordinary cargo warehouses that do not meet the storage conditions for hazardous chemicals? Are there any other storage condition requirements? Thank you!

A: The 70% principle is a requirement stipulated by the emergency management department and applies to all regulatory requirements of the emergency management department (safety supervision department) within the regulations.



  1. Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals
  2. General rules for the hazardous chemicals warehouse storage (GB 15603-2022)


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