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Inquiry about the import of hazardous chemicals.

Dec 18, 2024
Hazardous Chemicals
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Specific Q: Hello! Our company currently has a product, raw lacquer (not in bulk), which has been tested by the technical center and identified as a hazardous chemical but not classified as dangerous goods. We have the following questions: 1. Is it necessary to transport the product according to the regulations for dangerous goods? 2. Is the packaging required to use dangerous goods packaging, and are there any material requirements? For example, must it be in steel drums? Is it necessary to have the packaging UN marking? 3. What are the regulatory requirements for customs declaration? Is it necessary to declare the hazard category and packaging category?

A: Hello! Based on the information you provided, your company's goods are classified as hazardous chemicals but not as dangerous goods. Here are the answers to your inquiries: 1. Customs does not implement packaging inspections according to the packaging usage verification requirements for dangerous goods, and there are no special requirements for packaging materials or UN markings. However, they will verify the integrity and condition of the packaging. 2. Enterprises should declare to customs as hazardous chemicals when importing or exporting. Imports are subject to batch verification by the port customs and may be selected for testing based on control instructions. Exports are inspected batch by batch by the producing area customs, and port customs may select batches for verification based on control instructions. 3. For hazardous chemicals that are not classified as dangerous goods, there is no need to declare information such as hazard category or packaging category.



Announcement on Issues Concerning the Inspection and Supervision of Imported and Exported Hazardous Chemicals and the Packaging Thereof


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