Specific Q: A product is a mixture, classified under the principles of hazardous chemical classification as aerosol category 1, with a flash point greater than 70°C. The main components contained are all listed in the "Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals" and the sum of the mass ratio or volume ratio of the main components is less than 70%. I would like to know: 1. Does this product require a hazardous chemicals business license? 2. If it is required, does this product fall under the 2828 items of hazardous chemicals?
A: For mixtures where all main components are listed in the "Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals" and the sum of the mass ratio or volume ratio of the main components is less than 70%, or for chemicals whose hazardous characteristics have not yet been determined, manufacturers or importers should classify and identify according to the "Measures for the Administration of Identification and Classification of Physical Hazards of Chemicals" (State Administration of Work Safety Order No. 60) and other relevant regulations. If, after identification and classification, they are determined to fall under the principles of hazardous chemical classification, they should be registered as hazardous chemicals according to the "Measures for the Administration of Registration of Hazardous Chemicals" (State Administration of Work Safety Order No. 53), and there is no need to go through the relevant safety administrative licensing procedures.
- Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals (2015)
- Announcement on the Adjustment of the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals (2015)
- Measures for the Administration of Identification and Classification of Physical Hazards of Chemicals (State Administration of Work Safety Order No. 60)
- Measures for the Administration of Registration of Hazardous Chemicals