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China Seeks Public Input on 8 Mandatory National Standards

Nov 28, 2024

On November 19, 2024, the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a public solicitation for opinions on eight mandatory national standards drafts, including "Safety Technical Requirements for Building Decoration Stone Materials." The public is invited to provide feedback on these standards, which cover areas such as the limit values for leachable harmful metal elements in wall materials, harmful element limits in graphite and fluorite, heavy metal limits in inks, and restrictions on hazardous substances in electrical and electronic products. The deadline for submitting opinions is January 18, 2025.

To submit feedback, please fill out the "Mandatory National Standards Feedback Form" (see attachment) and send it via email to KJBZ@miit.gov.cn, with the subject line indicating feedback on the draft standards, including "Safety Technical Requirements for Building Decoration Stone Materials" among others.


The main content of four standards concerning limit/limitation requirements is summarized as follows:

1. "Limit Values for Leachable Harmful Metal Elements in Wall Materials (Draft for Comment)"

This draft standard specifies the content requirements and test methods for leachable harmful metal elements in inorganic non-metallic wall materials used in industrial and civil buildings.

2. "Harmful Element Limit Requirements in Graphite and Fluorite (Draft for Comment)"

This draft standard sets out the harmful element limit requirements and test methods applicable to graphite and fluorite.

3. "Limitation of Heavy Metals in Inks (Draft for Comment)"

This draft standard defines the maximum allowable limits for lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and soluble heavy metals (soluble antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, and selenium) in ink products, including sample preparation and determination methods.

4. "Restrictions on Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products (Draft for Comment)"

This draft standard specifies the limit requirements, labeling requirements, and conformity assessment requirements for hazardous substances in electrical and electronic products manufactured, sold, and imported within the People's Republic of China.


This standard is a revised version of GB/T 26572-2011 and its amendment, which will replace them upon its issuance. It integrates and refines the technical content of GB/T 26572-2011 and SJ/T 11364, two recommended standards. The main technical updates include:

  • Expanding the types of hazardous substances controlled in electrical and electronic products from six to ten categories, aligning with international industry requirements (including four new phthalates: DBP, DIBP, BBP, and DEHP);
  • Standardizing the detection methods for hazardous substance content limits in electrical and electronic products to ensure the accuracy and consistency of industry RoHS compliance testing results;
  • Introducing digital expressions such as QR codes and screen display for hazardous substance restriction labeling requirements to reduce the RoHS compliance costs for enterprises;
  • Enhancing the overall credibility of the industry's RoHS "self-declaration" compliance assessment results by requiring technical support documents to cover high-risk components of products;
  • Adding inspection rules to support the industry in continuously ensuring the RoHS compliance quality of the routine production process of electrical and electronic products.



Soliciting Public Comments on the 'Technical Requirements for Safety of Building Decorative Stone' and Other 8 Mandatory National Standards (Draft for Comment)

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