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What documents need to be submitted for the application of production and use quotas for ozone-depleting substances?
Date:Nov 22, 2024

According to the "Regulation on the Administration of Ozone Depleting Substances," enterprises applying for ODS production and use quotas must submit:

  1. Application form for production and use quotas of ozone-depleting substances;
  2. Copy of the business license;
  3. Description of the premises, facilities, equipment, and technical personnel involved in the production and use of ozone-depleting substances;
  4. Environmental impact assessment document and environmental protection completion acceptance report;
  5. Documents related to the enterprise's management system for the production and use of ozone-depleting substances.
    Submission method: First, log in to the "Ozone-Depleting Substances Production and Use Information Management System" (website:, fill in the ODS production and use quota application form online, and upload other required documents as instructed. Then, print out the "Application Form" online, stamp it, and send it to the Environmental Protection Foreign Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.



Regulation on the Administration of Ozone Depleting Substances (2023 Revision)


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