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What documents need to be uploaded for the online application of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes?

Nov 21, 2024
Hazardous Chemicals
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  1. Application form.
  2. Notification of transboundary movement (in Chinese and English).
  3. Written agreement between the exporter and the disposer or user in the importing country (region).
  4. Basic information datasheet of hazardous waste, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), or Chemical Safety Data Sheet (CSDS).
  5. Documentation describing the generation of hazardous waste, mainly including the process, location, technology, and equipment involved in the generation of the hazardous waste.
  6. Documentation describing the disposal or utilization of hazardous waste in the importing country (region), mainly including the location, type, and capacity of the disposal or utilization facilities, as well as the treatment methods for wastewater, exhaust gases, and residues generated during disposal or utilization.
  7. Valid credentials for the authorization or permit obtained by the disposer or user in the importing country (region) regarding the disposal or utilization of hazardous waste.
  8. Emergency response plan for accidental environmental pollution incidents during the transportation of hazardous waste.
  9. Documentation describing the transportation route of hazardous waste, mainly including domestic transportation routes (including regions passed through), exit points, transit points in transit countries (regions), entry points in importing countries (regions), and contact information and addresses of relevant authorities in the importing and transit countries (regions).
  10. Written commitment or valid insurance document from the exporter. If a written commitment is made, it should include taking responsibility for costs related to the return, disposal, pollution elimination, and compensation for losses in cases where the export activity is not completed or environmental pollution occurs due to accidents.
  11. Business license of the exporter. If the exporter is a collector, storer, disposer, or user of hazardous waste, a hazardous waste business permit must also be submitted.
  12. Hazardous goods transportation qualification certificate of the domestic transportation unit for hazardous waste and the transportation contract.
    Copies of the documents listed above should be stamped with the seal of the applying entity.



Administrative Measures for Examination and Approval of the Export of Hazardous Wastes (2019 Amendment PKULAW Version)


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