The provincial commerce authorities delegated by the Ministry of Commerce are required to submit the application materials to the Ministry within 10 working days from the date of receiving the documents specified in Article 8 of these regulations. Upon receiving the application materials, the Ministry of Commerce will review them in accordance with the relevant administrative regulations and rules, either independently or in conjunction with other relevant departments, and make a decision to grant or deny the license. If granted, the Ministry of Commerce will issue a general license approval for the export of dual-use items and technologies; if denied, the reasons must be stated.
During the review process, the Ministry of Commerce or its delegated provincial commerce authorities may, if necessary, meet with the principal management personnel of the company to understand the establishment and implementation of the company's internal export control mechanisms. If necessary, on-site inspections and verifications of the company may be conducted.
During the review process, the Ministry of Commerce may delegate expert consulting agencies to assess the establishment and operation of the company's internal export control mechanisms. These expert consulting agencies are determined by the Ministry of Commerce and announced publicly.