Operators of dual-use items and technology export under the General License must meet the following conditions:
- Must be a legitimate foreign trade operator;
- Must have established an internal control mechanism for dual-use items and technologies;
- Must have been engaged in the export of dual-use items and technologies for more than two years (including two years);
- For Class A General License applications, the operator must have applied for more than 40 export licenses for dual-use items and technologies annually for over two consecutive years (including 40 licenses); for Class B General License applications, the operator must have applied for more than 30 export licenses of the same category of dual-use items and technologies annually for over two consecutive years (including 30 licenses);
- Must not have received any criminal penalties or administrative sanctions from relevant authorities within the past three years;
- Must have relatively stable sales channels and end-users for dual-use items and technologies.