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How can exporters determine if their goods are dual-use items?
Date:Sep 20, 2024

If exporters are unsure whether their goods and technologies are dual-use items, they can use the "Dual-Use Item Inquiry" function on the left side of the China Export Control Information Network page to enter the name of the goods and technology and check. They can also search in the "Catalogue of Dual-Use Items and Technologies Import and Export License Management" (hereinafter referred to as the "Management Catalogue"), which is published annually by the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs. After retrieving the results, further verification should be carried out by comparing the names and descriptions of the goods. If exporters are still uncertain whether their goods and technologies are dual-use items or if there is a risk of them being used for weapons of mass destruction and their delivery vehicles, they can consult the national export control authorities.



Catalogue of Dual-Use Items and Technologies Subject to Import and Export License Administration (2024)


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