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For a business dealing in hazardous chemicals that has obtained a "Hazardous Chemical Business License" and is authorized to handle products like sodium cyanide, what procedures need to be followed to export sodium cyanide (a highly toxic chemical) to Laos and Cambodia?
Date:Sep 18, 2024

1. Sodium cyanide is listed as a hazardous chemical in the "Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals (2015)". According to the "Announcement on Issues Concerning the Inspection and Supervision of Imported and Exported Hazardous Chemicals and the Packaging Thereof (Announcement [2020] No. 129), it is stipulated that: "Customs shall inspect the import and export of hazardous chemicals listed in the national catalogue of hazardous chemicals (latest edition)." To export sodium cyanide, the exporting enterprise must register with the local customs to obtain an electronic record, which is then used to handle the customs declaration for export.

2. Sodium cyanide falls under Class 6.1 dangerous goods. According to Article 17 of the "Commodity Inspection Law," "Enterprises producing packaging containers for the export of dangerous goods must apply for performance appraisal of the packaging containers by the commodity inspection agencies. Enterprises producing hazardous goods for export must apply for the use appraisal of the packaging containers by the commodity inspection agencies. The export of dangerous goods in packaging containers that have not been appraised and approved is prohibited." Therefore, enterprises producing packaging for dangerous goods must apply for an export dangerous goods packaging performance inspection at the local customs and obtain a "Certificate of Inspection Results for Entry and Exit Goods Packaging Performance." Enterprises producing dangerous goods must apply for an appraisal of the use of transport packaging for outbound goods at the local customs and obtain a "Certificate of Appraisal Results for the Use of Transport Packaging for Outbound Goods" before they can proceed with the customs declaration for the export of dangerous goods.



Announcement on Issues Concerning the Inspection and Supervision of Imported and Exported Hazardous Chemicals and the Packaging Thereof


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