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Chemicallawinfo database
In Force
General Administration of Customs, Ministry of Commerce, Announcement No. 66, 2023
Catalogue of Dual-Use Items and Technologies Subject to Import and Export License Administration (2024)
Update TimeJan 23, 2024
Newest Published at Dec 29, 2023
Implemented at Jan 01, 2024
Issuing Authority
Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China、General Administration of Customs, People's Republic of China
Main Content
This inventory details the controlled substances listed in the Import and Export License Management Catalogue for Dual-Use Items and Technologies, including controlled chemicals, precursor chemicals, and radioactive isotopes, with their commodity names, descriptions, customs commodity codes, and units. It also details items and technologies listed in the Export License Management Catalogue for Dual-Use Items and Technologies, including the Nuclear Export Control List, Nuclear Dual-Use Items and Related Technologies Export Control List, Biological Dual-Use Items and Related Equipment and Technologies Export Control List, controlled chemicals, certain chemicals and related equipment and technologies, missile-related items and technologies, precursor chemicals, and some dual-use items and technologies, with their commodity names, descriptions, customs commodity codes, and units. It is applicable to the management of import licenses for dual-use items and technologies.
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