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Ethiopia Proposes Amendment to Annex A of Stockholm Convention, Seeks Exemption for UV-328 in Aviation Sector

Mar 04, 2025
Stockholm Convention
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On January 23, 2025, the Ethiopian government submitted supplementary information to the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention regarding its proposal to amend Annex A of the Convention. This follows its initial proposal submitted on October 25, 2024, which seeks exemptions for the use of the ultraviolet stabilizer UV-328 in civilian and military aircraft.


The Stockholm Convention aims to eliminate the global use of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) to protect human health and the environment. UV-328, a widely used ultraviolet stabilizer, was added to Annex A of the Convention, subjecting its use to strict restrictions. However, Ethiopia argues that no viable alternatives are currently available for certain critical applications in aviation, particularly for civilian and military aircraft.

First Submission (October 25, 2024)

In its initial proposal, the Ethiopian government outlined two key amendments:

  1. Addition of a Specific Exemption: A new exemption under the "Specific Exemptions" column for UV-328 in Annex A, permitting its use in adhesives, encapsulating compounds, and other limited applications in civilian and military aircraft.
  2. Extension of Exemption Period: A five-year exemption period to allow industries adequate time to develop and validate alternatives.

Second Submission (January 23, 2025)

The supplementary submission further clarified the scope of exemptions, covering:

  • Insulation blankets and deck waterproof sealing tapes for civilian and military aircraft;
  • Polyurethane/polyamide adhesives used in structural components, mechanical parts, interiors, electrical systems, and control systems.

Next Steps

The Secretariat has invited parties to submit comments on the proposal. The Sultanate of Oman has formally expressed support for Ethiopia’s initiative. The proposal will be reviewed at the Twelfth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-12) to the Stockholm Convention, scheduled in Geneva from April 28 to May 9, 2025.


Further Information

First Submission

Second Submission

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