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South Korea's NICS Updates Hazard Assessment Results for 236 Chemical Substances

Feb 27, 2025
Chemical Management
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On February 18, 2025, South Korea’s National Institute of Chemical Safety (NICS) announced today the revision of hazard assessment results for 236 chemical substances under the Act on Registration and Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances (K-REACH) and its enforcement rules. The update, formalized through Notice No. 2025-5, aims to strengthen chemical safety management and enhance public health protections.

The revision includes 178 newly evaluated chemical substances, with detailed information covering substance names, identification numbers, CAS numbers, toxicological classifications, and hazard classification levels (including hazard properties, classification and labeling). NICS emphasized that the updates incorporate the latest global scientific research on chemical safety. Companies are required to adjust production, storage, and transportation protocols to align with the revised standards to ensure compliance.

Additionally, 58 chemical substances were removed from the hazard assessment database. This removal primarily stems from the expiration of Confidential Business Information (CBI) protection periods, which revealed duplicate registrations after data disclosure. The public release of previously confidential data marks a significant step in South Korea’s push for greater transparency in chemical management, reducing redundant reporting burdens for businesses while improving access to critical information for researchers and the public.

The updated assessments took immediate effect on February 18, 2025. NICS stated that this revision is a core component of South Korea’s national chemical management strategy, with plans to further refine dynamic evaluation mechanisms to address emerging risks posed by new chemical substances to environmental and human health.

For full details of the updated assessments, please visit the NICS official website:


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