On February 18, 2025, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) proposed adding n-hexane to the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List due to its probable serious effects on human health. Currently, the relevant dossier for n-hexane is being actively prepared by the proposer and is expected to be submitted by August 4, 2025.
After submission, ECHA will initiate a public consultation to determine whether n-hexane should be officially listed as an SVHC. During this period, all stakeholders will have the right to submit feedback to ECHA. Once the feedback is reviewed and accepted, n-hexane will be formally added to the SVHC Candidate List.
Substance Name |
EC Number |
CAS Number |
Submitter |
Scope |
Expected Date of Submission |
n-Hexane |
203-777-6 |
110-54-3 |
Slovenia |
Equivalent level of concern having probable serious effects to human health (Article 57(f) - human health) |
August 4, 2025 |
Currently, the List contains a total of 247 substances. You can access the complete substance of very high concern (SVHC) list here.
ChemRadar Insights
Companies exporting products to the EU containing SVHCs above 0.1% must fulfill the following obligations:
- Information Transfer: Suppliers must provide recipients with safety information for safe use if SVHC content exceeds 0.1%.
- Consumer Requests: Provide sufficient information (e.g., substance name and concentration) free of charge within 45 days upon consumer request.
- SVHC Notification: If annual exports exceed 1 tonne per year (t/y), importers/producers must notify ECHA within 6 months.
- SCIP Notification: Since January 5, 2021, submit SVHC-related information to ECHA’s SCIP database if content exceeds 0.1%.
- Future Compliance: SVHC-listed substances may later be added to the Authorisation List. Companies must apply for authorization to continue their use.