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ECHA Considers Adding n-Hexane to SVHC Candidate List

Feb 28, 2025
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On February 18, 2025, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) proposed adding n-hexane to the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List due to its probable serious effects on human health. Currently, the relevant dossier for n-hexane is being actively prepared by the proposer and is expected to be submitted by August 4, 2025.

After submission, ECHA will initiate a public consultation to determine whether n-hexane should be officially listed as an SVHC. During this period, all stakeholders will have the right to submit feedback to ECHA. Once the feedback is reviewed and accepted, n-hexane will be formally added to the SVHC Candidate List.

Substance Name

EC Number

CAS Number



Expected Date of Submission





Equivalent level of concern having probable serious effects to human health (Article 57(f) - human health)

August 4, 2025

Currently, the List contains a total of 247 substances. You can access the complete substance of very high concern (SVHC) list here.

ChemRadar Insights

Companies exporting products to the EU containing SVHCs above 0.1% must fulfill the following obligations:

  1. Information Transfer: Suppliers must provide recipients with safety information for safe use if SVHC content exceeds 0.1%.
  2. Consumer Requests: Provide sufficient information (e.g., substance name and concentration) free of charge within 45 days upon consumer request.
  3. SVHC Notification: If annual exports exceed 1 tonne per year (t/y), importers/producers must notify ECHA within 6 months.
  4. SCIP Notification: Since January 5, 2021, submit SVHC-related information to ECHA’s SCIP database if content exceeds 0.1%.
  5. Future Compliance: SVHC-listed substances may later be added to the Authorisation List. Companies must apply for authorization to continue their use.


Further Information


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