
New Zealand Enacts Swift DCPA Restrictions to Protect Fetal Health

Oct 16, 2024
New Zealand
Chemical Restriction
Hazardous Chemicals
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The New Zealand Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has imposed emergency restrictions on herbicides containing Dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate (DCPA), also known as Dacthal, effective from September 13, 2024. This follows a recent ban by the United States EPA due to concerns over DCPA's potential risks to fetal development.

The key restrictions include:

  1. Application Constraints: DCPA herbicides are now only permitted on onions, garlic, and leeks, with application limited to once per year before crop emergence.
  2. Safety Protocols: Pregnant individuals must not engage in mixing, loading, or applying these herbicides and are barred from entering treated fields for five days post-application. Treatment sites must display signs detailing the chemical's risks and safe entry times.
  3. Community Safeguards: The use of DCPA herbicides is banned within 30 meters of public areas, with application rates capped at 10.5 kilograms per hectare. Applications must be made under controlled wind conditions using low-drift technology.

Research links DCPA with disruptions in fetal development, potentially causing low birth weights and long-term neurological impacts. To mitigate these risks, the New Zealand EPA has enacted these rigorous measures. Despite limited use in New Zealand, primarily for pre-emergent weed control in certain crops, EPA ensures that DCPA decomposes before harvest, reducing risks from vegetable consumption.

Products containing DCPA currently registered in New Zealand include Dacthal, Deramot Xtra, and Chlor-Back 75WG. EPA plans ongoing research and policy adjustments based on new findings.


Further Information

New Zealand EPA

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