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Vietnam Ushers in a New Era of Chemical Regulation: Law on Chemicals (Amendment) Set to Take Effect in 2026

Vietnam has submitted an amendment to the Law on Chemicals to the World Trade Organization (WTO), aimed at modernizing the law enacted in 2008 to better meet current industry needs and challenges, and to establish a new framework for the sustainable development and safe management of the chemical industry.

The Law on Chemicals (Amendment) covers chemical-related activities, products, safety, as well as the rights and obligations of relevant organizations and individuals, and national-level management of chemicals. This comprehensive amendment not only focuses on the continued growth of the chemical industry but also emphasizes the roles of all parties involved in chemical-related activities in terms of safety and responsibility. The amendment, consisting of 45 pages and 95 provisions across 11 chapters, aims to make chemical management more effective, protect human health and environmental safety, and address urgent needs in the chemical management.

The government of Vietnam expects to pass this amendment on May 1, 2025, and plans for it to take effect on May 1, 2026. WTO members can submit their comments and suggestions within 60 days from the notification (April 16, 2024). This period provides an opportunity for the international community to assess and provide feedback, ensuring that Vietnam's legal reforms meet both domestic requirements and international standards.

With the implementation of this amendment, Vietnam is moving towards a safer, more responsible, and more sustainable chemical management system. Enterprises and stakeholders shall pay attention to updates to the regulations and seek professional guidance when necessary to ensure full compliance when the new regulations take effect.

Important Timeline of Vietnam's Law on Chemicals and Its Amendments


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