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23 New Chemical Substances Added to the TSCA Inventory
Mar 11, 2024

On February 22, 2024, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updated its Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory for the first half of 2024. The updated TSCA Inventory contains a total of 86,741 chemical substances, of which 42,293 are active.The latest update adds 23 new chemicals compared to the August 2023’s Inventory. The TSCA Inventory is updated biannually to keep chemical information current and accurate. ChemRadar will continue to provide you with the latest information on the TSCA Inventory with the next update expected in the summer of 2024.

What does the enterprises do after the addition of an active substance?

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is a critical U.S. regulation aimed at protecting health and the environment by managing chemical substances. When TSCA identifies a chemical as "active," it means the chemical is in use in the U.S. and must meet certain regulations.

Compliance Measures for TSCA Active Inventory Chemicals

1. Chemical Data Reporting (CDR)

Under the TSCA mandates, businesses are required to submit electronic reports through the e-CDRweb online system to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) if their annual production or import volume at any given site exceeds 25,000 pounds (approximately 11.3 metric tons). The Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) must be conducted every four years, with the most recent submission period occurring in 2020.

2. Significant New Use Rules(SNUR)

Under the TSCA mandates, companies are required to submit an application to the EPA at least 90 days prior to commencing any significant new uses of specific chemicals. This pre-notification allows the EPA ample time to assess the potential environmental and health risks associated with the new usage and to take necessary actions to restrict or prohibit the use if deemed necessary.

How can enterprises verify if certain chemicals are listed in the TSCA Inventory?

The TSCA Inventory is available in our ChemRadar TSCA Inventory



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