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3 SVHC Substances Recommended for Inclusion in the UK REACH Authorisation List
Feb 5, 2024

On 16 January 2024, the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) officially accepted the proposed inclusion of phthalates (CAS No. 71850-09-4), dicyclohexyl phthalate (CAS No. 84-61-7), and disodium octaborate (CAS No. 12008-41-2) to the Authorisation List under the UK REACH Annex 14.

Once these substances have been listed, businesses cannot generally use that substance for the specified use beyond a subset date that is specific for that use, unless they are granted an authorization.

UK REACH Authorisation List (Annex 14) 

In accordance with Article 58(3) of UK REACH and the document "Approach to recommendation of priority substances for inclusion in Annex 14 of UK REACH", the Agency recommends that the following substance is included in Annex 14:

Substance EC No./CAS No. SVHC-relevant intrinsic properties Latest application date pursuant to REACH Act 58 (1)(c)(ii) Sunset date Exempted uses or categories of uses




EC: 201-545-9

CAS No:  84-61-7

Toxic for

Reproduction- category 1B,




Date of inclusion in Annex 14 plus 18 months

Latest application date plus 18 months




(anhydrous and

hydrated forms)

EC No: 234-541-0

CAS No: 12008-41-2

Toxic for

Reproduction- category 1B

Date of inclusion in Annex 14 plus 18 months

Latest application date plus 18 months

Diisohexyl phthalate

EC No: 276-090-2

CAS No: 71850-09-4

Toxic for

Reproduction- Category 1B

Date of inclusion in Annex 14 plus 18 months

Latest application date plus 18 months


Under Article 58(3) of UK REACH, HSE is required to recommend priority substances for inclusion in the UK REACH Authorisation List (Annex 14) from the UK candidate list of substances of very high concern (SVHCs).

Following HSE's recommendation, the appropriate authorities ((Defra) Secretary of State and the Scottish and Welsh Ministers) will decide whether to include those priority substances in the list of substances subject to authorisation (Annex 14 of UK REACH).

What are SVHCs?

SVHCs are substances that have hazards properties including cause cancer, and accumulation in the environment.

In accordance with Article 57 of UK REACH, substances with the following properties may be identified as SVHCs:

  • Substances meeting the criteria for classification as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR) category 1A or 1B in accordance with the GB CLP regulation;
  • Substances which are persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic (PBT) in accordance with the criteria in Annex 13 of UK REACH;
  • Substances which are very persistent and very bio-accumulative (vPvB) in accordance with the criteria in Annex 13 of UK REACH;
  • Substances giving rise to an equivalent level of concern to substances meeting the above criteria. Such substances may have endocrine disrupting properties or have properties, that although not meeting the criteria for being a CMR, PBT or vPvB, there is scientific evidence of probable serious effects to human health or the environment. Such substances will be identified on a case-by-case basis.

Substances meeting these criteria may be added to one or both of the UK REACH Candidate List or the UK REACH Authorisation List (Annex 14).

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