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Indonesia's BPOM Unveils More Than a Million Unregulated Drugs and Cosmetics

Dec 11, 2023
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From September 2022 to October 2023, the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) in Indonesia discovered a significant number of illegal products which include 51 types (around 1 million articles) of traditional medicines (OT) containing medical chemicals (BKO) and 183 types (around 1.2 million articles) of cosmetics containing prohibited/hazardous chemicals.

It is reported that these products were not officially registered in Indonesia, and some were even illegally circulated to Indonesia. Currently, BPOM has taken actions. The report also points out that there is an increasing number of dangerous cosmetics in the past three years, with an annual growth rate of 10-20%, at least. Cosmetics containing prohibited dyes accounted for 5%, a smaller amount but with significant risks.

Companies or individuals conducting activities including adding BKO to the traditional medicine, or adding prohibited/dangerous chemicals to cosmetics or incompliance products may face administrative or criminal penalties. However, BPOM still want to prevent such violations through official oversight.

BPOM has reorganized its production and distribution facilities through its Technical Implementation Units (UPT) in the national range. Companies manufacturing, importing and distributing traditional medicines containing BKO or illegal ingredients are required to withdraw and destroy these products. Companies manufacturing, importing and distributing cosmetics containing prohibited / dangerous chemicals are also required to withdraw and destroy these products. After that, companies shall report the destroy inventory to BPOM. All these reflects that Indonesia is fulfilling its commitment to public health and safety.

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