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Global Chemical Inventory Update: Developments in Japan's ISHA, Australia's AIIC, and Japan's Chemical Substances Control Law

143 Existing Chemical Substances Added to Japan's Industrial Safety and Health Act (ISHA) Substances List

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) recently announced that 143 existing chemical substances have been added to the ISHA (Industrial Safety and Health Act) Notified Substances List on March 27, 2024. These newly added chemicals are primarily known to be used in work environments and may potentially impact worker health. This update provides detailed information such as the names of the chemicals, official gazette numbers, CAS numbers, chemical structural formulas, and classification codes, enabling enterprises and research institutions to more accurately identify and manage these substances.

According to the MHLW, enterprises no longer need to declare these newly listed chemicals during the production or import process, thus simplifying the compliance process for enterprises. However, enterprises are still required to comply with the provision of Safety Data Sheets (SDS), implement necessary health and safety measures, and conduct occupational health monitoring.

Furthermore, the MHLW emphasized that for chemicals not listed on the ISHA Existing Chemical Substances List, enterprises must still assess and declare these substances before production or importation, including submitting detailed chemical information, safety data, potential risks, and intended uses for a more stringent risk assessment and regulation to ensure that the use of these chemicals in the workplace does not pose a threat to worker health.


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5 Chemicals Added to Australian Inventory (AIIC)

On July 16, 2024, the Australian government announced a new chemical substance, after assessment, has been added to the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (AIIC).

CAS Num. Chemical Name/AACN Defined Scope of Assessment Listing date
1613243-54-1 1,2,4,5,7,8-Hexoxonane, 3,6,9-trimethyl-, 3,6,9-tris(Et and Pr) derivs

The chemical has been assessed:

  • as imported into Australia at up to 20 tonnes/year
  • as imported as a formulation containing the assessed chemical at up to 50% concentration
  • as used as an initiator at 0.1% concentration in manufacturing of plastics in industrial settings
  • as reformulated as a component of plastics at up to 0.005% concentration
12 July 2024

On July 19, 2024, the Australian Government declared the addition of four new substances to the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (AIIC), as per Section 82 of the Industrial Chemicals Act 2019. This section allows the listing of chemicals with assessment certificates issued more than five years ago. Details are as follows.

CAS Num. Chemical name/AACN Defined Scope of Assessment Listing date
869736-22-1 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, Me hydrogen, polymers with vinyl group-terminated di-Me, Me vinyl siloxanes - 28 June 2024
1631983-32-8 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, Me hydrogen, polymers with vinyl group-terminated di-Me, Me vinyl siloxanes and vinyl group-terminated di-Me siloxanes - 28 June 2024
224175-26-2 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-sulfo-.omega.-hydroxy-, C12-16-alkyl ethers, zinc salts - 4 July 2024
1034343-98-0 Graphene

The chemical has been assessed:

as introduced into Australia for up to 100 tonnes/annum in neat powder form or as a paste at up to 23% concentration;

as reformulated for non-consumer products and used in fire retardant coatings at up to 15% concentration and at up to 1% concentration in polymer composites (such as rubber, polyurethanes and epoxies), textile coatings and concrete.

16 July 2024
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Australian Gov.


Proposed Inclusion in Japan's Chemical Substances Control Law - Class II Specified Chemical Substances List

On July 17, 2024, Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ministry of the Environment jointly announced that starting from 2025, Nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) will be designated as Class II Specified Chemical Substances. New labeling requirements for NPE and water-based cleaners containing NPE have been established to enhance control over environmental pollution.

According to the new regulations, all NPE products, as well as their containers and packaging, must clearly display the following information:

  • Whether the product is NPE or contains NPE
  • Indication that NPE is a Class II Specified Chemical Substance
  • Concentration of NPE
  • Preventative measures (e.g., regular inspections to prevent leaks)

Name and address of the individual or enterprise providing the label informationFurthermore, all enterprises involved in the production or import of NPE must provide the chemical's CAS number and report both their estimated and actual production or import volumes. These measures aim to enhance transparency regarding the use of NPE by businesses and the public, as well as strengthen protection for the environment and public health.

ChemRadar has updated the latest edition of the list, which can be freely accessed through https://hgt.cirs-group.com/


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