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Connecticut Expands Ban on PFAS Products Across Multiple Industries

Connecticut has enacted SB 292, a law that progressively restricts and ultimately bans the use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in products including cosmetics, detergents, and cookware.

Senate Bill 292, effective from October 1, 2024, regulates products including cleaners, automotive care items, kitchenware, and cosmetics.

SB 292 introduces phased PFAS regulations targeting importers and producers of affected products, detailed as follows:

Step 1: Initiate Labeling and Notification Protocols

Effective January 1, 2026, Connecticut mandates clear "Contains PFAS chemicals" labels on all new or unused outdoor apparel designed for very humid environments, including online sales. Additionally, from that date, manufacturers or importers of firefighting gear containing PFAS must disclose the reason for its inclusion at the point of sale.

Step 2: Label Twelve Selected Products

Effective July 1, 2026, Connecticut will ban the manufacture, sale, or distribution of products with intentionally added PFAS unless they have a label approved by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and provide a clear explanation to consumers. The affected products include:

  1. Clothing
  2. Carpets
  3. Cleaning products
  4. Cookware
  5. Cosmetics
  6. Dental floss
  7. Fabric treatment products
  8. Children's products
  9. Menstrual products
  10. Textile furniture
  11. Ski wax
  12. Upholstered furniture

Manufacturers must ensure these labels are clear and durable.

Step 3: Enforce Total Ban

From January 1, 2028, Connecticut will enforce a broad ban on products with added PFAS, including firefighting gear and outdoor apparel, enhancing its environmental protection efforts.

Step 4: Boost Interagency Collaboration

DEEP will establish an interdepartmental platform to manage a PFAS product database and exemptions, also overseeing the collection of annual fees to enforce regulations. Additionally, the agency will collaborate with state health, agriculture, and consumer protection agencies to ensure compliance. Manufacturers or importers are required to provide proof of compliance and necessary details when required.

ChemRadar Insights

This legislation expands the 2021 ban on PFAS in food packaging and firefighting foam to include a wider array of consumer products.

Overview of PFAS Prohibition Initiatives in U.S. States

  • California: Effective January 1, 2023, sales or distribution of food packaging and children’s products with intentionally added PFAS (100 ppm or more) are banned.
  • New York: As of December 31, 2022, manufacturing, selling, or distributing food packaging with intentionally added PFAS is prohibited.
  • Vermont (S.20): Bans include Class B firefighting foam from July 1, 2022, and extend to food packaging, residential carpets, floor mats, and ski wax from July 1, 2023.
  • Colorado (HB 22-1345): Between 2024 and 2027, the state will phase out the sale or distribution of certain products with intentionally added PFAS, starting with food packaging on January 1, 2024.
  • Maryland: Starting January 1, 2024, selling products with intentionally added PFAS is prohibited.
  • Minnesota (HF 2310): From January 1, 2025, the ban on manufacturing, selling, or distributing food packaging with intentionally added PFAS takes effect.
  • Maine: Effective January 1, 2025, selling carpets, floor mats, and fabric care products with intentionally added PFAS is prohibited.


Further Information 

Substitute Senate Bill No. 292

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