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Deadline Approaching for Chile's Hazardous Chemical Registration, Companies Urged to Act Quickly

Under Decree No. 57/2019, the Chilean Ministry of Environment (MMA) requires companies that produced or imported over one ton of hazardous chemicals in 2022 and 2023 to register by August 30, 2024. The MMA launched the National Chemical Registry Platform in February to streamline substance management. The first registration deadline is imminent.

For manufacturers and importers in Chile, substance registration can be determined by:

  • Adhering to Decree No. 57/2019, classifying substances according to GHS 7;
  • Consulting the official substance classification list per Resolution No. 777 of 2021, which outlines key procedures for chemical handling;
  • Following Resolution No. 15 of 2023, which updates the list of hazardous substances in import procedures.

For registration, please submit:

  • Manufacturer or importer detail information;
  • Chemical identifiers (CAS number, chemical name);
  • Annual production or import volume range;
  • GHS classification;
  • Intended uses of the substance;
  • Applicable Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

After the initial deadline, there will be biennial registrations for hazardous substances, with subsequent deadlines as follows:

  • August 30, 2025: Non-industrial substances;
  • August 30, 2027: Substances in industrial mixtures;
  • August 30, 2029: Substances in non-industrial mixtures.

At the end of each reporting period, MMA will issue a resolution on all registered substances by December 31st each year. Businesses should ensure timely registration to remain compliant and avoid operational disruptions.


Further Information 


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