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U.S. EPA Launches New Tool to Simplify Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) Process

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced that the submission period for the 2024 Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) will commence on June 1 and continue through September 30. During this reporting cycle, manufacturers and importers are required to report information on the manufacturing, processing, and use of chemical substances from the years 2020 to 2023.

Overview of Chemical Data Reporting (CDR)

Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), manufacturers and importers whose production or import volumes meet specific regulatory thresholds are required to report relevant data every four years. The data collection aims to gather information about the production, processing, and usage of chemicals to assess their potential impacts on human health and the environment. Companies failing to comply with the CDR submission within the stipulated timeframe or failing to meet reporting standards may face fines or even criminal charges.

Reporting Entities

  • Chemical manufacturers/importers;
  • Organizations using chemicals or processors of chemical by-products.

Reporting Thresholds

  • General chemical substances: 25,000 pounds (approximately 11.3 metric tons);
  • TSCA-specific regulated chemicals: 2,500 pounds (approximately 1.13 metric tons), including regulations under Significant New Use Rules (SNUR), Consent Orders (section 5e), and special labels (section 5f).

Scope of Reporting

The reporting requirements cover all chemicals listed on the TSCA inventory as of June 1, 2024, excluding polymers, microorganisms, naturally occurring chemicals, water, and certain forms of natural gas. Chemicals that meet exemption criteria are also not covered in the reporting.

To simplify the reporting process, the EPA has introduced a portal called CDR GuideME. This website consolidates all CDR-related guidance documents and training materials, allowing users to quickly find answers to their questions and the information they need.

Additionally, the EPA has updated the e-CDR web tool in its Central Data Exchange (CDX) system to support the 2024 CDR reporting cycle. Updates include:

  1. Incorporation of usable 2024 CDR reporting codes.
  2. An updated spreadsheet for bulk uploading of chemical information.
  3. Improved functionality for copying Confidential Business Information (CBI) between chemicals, allowing information to be used across multiple chemical submissions.

ChemRadar Insights

As the reporting submission window approaches, companies need to promptly determine whether the substances circulated within the U.S. require CDR reporting and if the data should be protected as confidential business information. Additionally, companies should register an account on the U.S. Data Exchange Center system platform as soon as possible to ensure successful submission within the designated timeframe.


Further Information 

EPA Announcement

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