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Catalogue for Guiding Industry Restructuring by China NDRC

Last updateFeb 01, 2024

Order No. 7 of the National Development and Reform Commission of the PRC Catalogue for Guiding Industry Restructuring (2024 Edition) (hereinafter referred to as the Catalogue) is promulgated after deliberation and adoption at the 6th Executive Meeting of the Committee on December 1, 2023. It will take effect as of February 1, 2024. The Guidance Catalogue for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2019 Edition) shall be abolished at the same time.

The Catalogue is composed of three categories: encouraged, restricted and eliminated. Those that do not belong to the above three categories and comply with relevant national laws, regulations and policies are permitted and will not be included in the Catalogue.

  • Encouraged mainly includes technologies, equipment and products that have an important role in promoting economic and social development;
  • Restrained mainly includes backward processes and technologies, do not meet the industry access conditions and relevant regulations, are not conducive to safe production, are not conducive to achieving carbon peak carbon neutrality targets, and need to urge the transformation and prohibit the construction of new production capacity, processes and technologies, equipment and products;
  • Eliminated mainly includes backward processes and technologies, equipment and products that do not comply with relevant laws and regulations, seriously waste resources, pollute the environment, have serious hidden dangers in production safety, hinder the realization of carbon peak carbon neutrality targets, and need to be eliminated. -- Except for encouraged, restricted and eliminated, and in accordance with relevant national laws, regulations and policies, are permitted.

The Catalogue (2024 edition) has a total of 1,005 items, including 352 items in the encouraged category, 221 items in the restricted category and 422 items in the eliminated category.

According to relevant regulations, for the encouraged projects, the examination and approval, approval or filing shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulations; for the restricted projects, new construction shall be prohibited, and the existing production capacity shall be allowed to be upgraded within a certain period; for the eliminated projects, investment shall be prohibited and eliminated within the prescribed period.


Regulations and standards

Decision of The State Council on Promulgation and Implementation of the Interim Provisions on Promoting Industrial Restructuring
Guidance Catalogue for Industrial Restructuring (2024 edition)


Regulatory authorities

► Decision of The State Council on Promulgation and Implementation of the Interim Provisions on Promoting Industrial Restructuring
► People's governments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and relevant departments


How to obtain the list?

  1. Click here to search for the latest inventory.
  2. Official inquiry channel: https://www.gov.cn/zhengce/202401/content_6924187.htm
  3. Contact CIRS Group to purchase the latest excel format.


Our services

  • Consulting and training services on China new chemical substances
  • Customized solutions on compliance of new chemical substances in China
  • Enquiry of new chemical substances in China
  • New chemical registration (record, simplified registration, regular registration)
  • Laboratory consignment and coordination
  • Evaluation on alternative methods (QSAR, Read-Across, WOE)
  • Compilation of risk assessment report on new chemical substances
  • Notifications for supplementing substances in IECSC
  • Agents for notification and registration certificate management

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