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South Korea Updates the List of Designated Toxic Substances

Toxic Chemicals

On January 10, 2024, the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) in South Korea published Notice No. 2024-3 on the revision of the Designated Toxic Substances, to strengthen the administration and supervision of toxic substances. This Notice is scheduled to be effective after 3 months of its publication.

In accordance with the Act on the Registration an Evaluation of Chemicals (known as K-REACH), Korean competent authorities shall conduct hazard review and hazard assessment of substances that have completed registrations. Classifications shall be made based on review results. If a substance is classified as a toxic substance, NIER will include it in toxic substances list and release notice.

In this revision, the content limit of 3 toxic chemicals is revised and 39 toxic chemicals are added. Details of these substances can be seen below: 

  • The content limit of 3 toxic chemicals is specified: substance with the unique number of "97-1-296","2014-1-718", "2017-1-763"; details of these 3 substances are listed in the following table;
    Unique number Substance name and content limit
    97-1-296 [Tetraalkyl lead] and mixtures containing more than 0.3% of this substance; 

    [Cobalt lithium manganese nickel oxide;

    182442-95-1] and mixtures containing more than 0.1% of this substance
    2017-1-763 [1, 2-Dichloropropane; 78-87-5] and mixtures containing more than 0.1% of this substance
  • 39 toxic substances are added: substances with the unique number from "2023-1-1174" to "2023-1-1212".

In accordance with the Chemical Control Act (CCA), companies involving these substances (including its content specification variation) shall comply with the following requirements:

  • Identify substance information, comply with marking or labeling standards; and report information of imported substances by January 1, 2025;
  • Submit handling standards of hazardous substances by July 1, 2025;
  • Obtain sales permit for hazardous substances, prepare and submit chemical accident prevention and management plans by July 1, 2026;
  • Comply with hazardous substances handling facilities and management standards by 2028.

The updated list of designated toxic substances is available in our ChemRadar:Korea List of Toxic Chemical Substances (CCA).  


Further Information:

South Korea NIER

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