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US EPA Publishes its 2023 Achievements Overview

Chemical Management

On December,2023, the US EPA published its accomplishments in 2023, which not only shows its commitment in the protection of human health and the environment at an unprecedented rate but also reveals its significant contributions to achieving this noble goal.

In 2023, EPA conducted in-depth visits 10 residential regions and communities under its jurisdiction. The EPA actively engaged with residents and stakeholders by signing more than 50 regulations and agreements. EPA also invested more than $16 billion to reduce pollution, advance the development of the clean energy, and create a sound development space for workers, in accordance with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act.

Highlights of the EPA's accomplishments in 2023:

  • Methane Emissions Regulations: The final regulations on methane emissions will prevent the release of over one billion tonnes of carbon emissions, which is a major milestone in the history of the European Union.
  • New Technology Standards Introduced: The EPA has introduced new technology standards to promote greener industries in the power plants and transportation sectors, which are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the US.
  • Drinking Water Protection: The EPA has proposed improved regulations for Lead and Copper Rule Improvements, as well as the regulation of six PFAS in drinking water. This demonstrates the agency's leadership in the area of drinking water protection.
  • Environmental Justice: EPA provided the largest single investment in its history, launching the Thriving Justice Grantmakers Program. It developed the Environmental Justice Technical Guidelines, which seeks to promote social equity and fairness.
  • Chemical Safety: The implementation of the 2016 amendments has strengthened the U.S. Chemical Safety Act, providing additional protection to communities against harmful chemicals like trichloroethylene(TCE) and methylene chloride.
  • Consultation on Policy Enhancement: Consultation with indigenous peoples has been strengthened, and an initiative to resolve transboundary water pollution has been developed in agreement with Canada and the Kutunaxa Nation.
  • Superfund Cleanup: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will allocate $1 billion to expedite the cleanup process at 100 Superfund sites and commence cleanup at an additional 22 Superfund sites.
  • Financial Transparency: EPA received its 24th consecutive clean audit opinion, demonstrating its commitment to accountability and transparency.
  • Environmental Science Leadership: The EPA's role in leading environmental science is highlighted by its significant contributions to PFAS research, air quality standards, and climate adaptation strategies.
  • National Environmental Youth Advisory Council: The National Environmental Youth Advisory Council was set up to give the younger generation an opportunity to take part in the decision-making process on the protection of the environment.

These achievements demonstrate EPA's efforts to fulfil its mission to protect human health and the environment.


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