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Japan CSCL-Class I Specified Chemical Substances
Items: 579
Last update: Oct 22, 2021

Chemical Substances Control Law(CSCL)-Class I Specified Chemical Substances refer to substances that are persistent and highly bio-accumulative and pose a risk of long-term toxicity to humans or predator animals at a higher trophic level. In accordance with CSCL, these substances are jointly regulated and released by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), and the Ministry of the Environment (MOE).

► In accordance with CSCL, parties engaged in the production/import of chemicals designated as Class I specified chemical substances shall obtain official approval prior to its production/import (except for experimental and research purposes). Any production or import is prohibited without authorization. Intended uses not comply with international regulations are prohibited. Import of products containing Class I specified chemical substances in the regulation is prohibited. Regulatory authorities shall recycle these products from manufacturers, importers, and users when necessary.

► Chemical substances that are not designated as Class I specified chemical substances are not subject to relevant obligations.


Regulations and standards

Chemical Substances Control Law (Jun 17, 2022)
Implementation of the Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture (Dec 28, 2020)


Regulatory authorities

► Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
► Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
► Ministry of the Environment



  1. Elements.
  2. Naturally existing substances
  3. Radioactive substances
  4. Specified poisons in the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law
  5. Stimulants and precursor materials specified in the Stimulants Control Act
  6. Anesthetics specified in the Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act
  7. Manufacturing or importing Class I specified chemical substances for testing and research purpose
  8. Substances specified in the following regulations:
        ①food, food additives, containers and utensil, toys and detergents under the Food Sanitation Act;
        ②pesticides in the Pesticide Control Law;
        ③fertilizers in the Fertilizer Control Act;
        ④feed and feed additives under the Feeds Safety Act; 
        ⑤pharmaceutical, cosmetics and medical devices under the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act.


How to obtain the list?

  1. Click here to search for the latest inventory
  2. Contact CIRS Group to purchase the latest version (in Excel)


Our services

  • New Chemical Substance Search
  • New Chemical Substance Notification
  • Preparation of registration scheme (data evaluation and data analysis)
  • Testing coordination and supervision
  • Consultation with our experts or competent department
  • Regulatory Training
  • Preparation of SDS and label

If you have any questions, please contact us at chemicals@cirs-group.com.

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