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List of Concerned Chemical Substances in Taiwan, China

Last updateJan 30, 2023

The List of Concerned Chemical Substances in Taiwan is a newly added list by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan in 2019 during the revision of the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act (TCCSCA) to further manage chemical substances from the source, facilitating the expansion of controlled chemical substances and their classification management, so as to grasp the flow of substances. Currently, a total of 18 chemical substances is included in the List and regulated by TCCSCA.

► For chemical substances that have been included in the List of Concerned Chemical Substances in Taiwan, enterprises shall apply for permit documents and conduct relevant activities according to relevant requirements of the TCCSCA. Enterprises shall produce and regularly report records which shall be kept for reference. Warning labels and statements of pollution prevention shall be made, and the safety data sheet for this substance shall also be provided. Online trading and  operation without a permit are prohibited.

► Chemical substances that are not included in the List are not subject to the relevant requirements.


Regulations and standards

Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act (Jan 16,2019)
Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act Enforcement Rules (Sep 3,2019)
Permit Registration and Approval Regulations for Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances (Jan 15,2020)
Regulations for the Management of Records on the Operation and Release Amounts of Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances (Dec 25, 2019)
Regulations for the Appointment and Management of Professional Technical Management Personnel for Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances (Dec 25, 2019)
Regulations for the Labeling and Safety Data Sheets for Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances(Nov 4,2022)
Regulations on the Management of Emergency Responders of the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances(Nov 3,2020)
Categories and Management of Handling for Toxic Chemical Substance(Feb 20,2020)


Regulatory authorities

► Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan in Taiwan
► Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau of Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan in Taiwan



Substances or articles regulated by the following laws or regulations: Agro-pesticides Management Act, Fertilizer Management Act, Feed Control Act, Veterinary Drugs Control Act, Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, Medical Devices Act, Controlled Drugs Act, Cosmetics Hygiene and Safety Act, Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation, Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act, Industrial Explosives Administrative Act, Petroleum Administration Act, Natural Gas Enterprise Act, Atomic Energy Law, Ionizing Radiation Protection Act, Air Pollution Control Act, Environmental Agents Control Act, Waste Disposal Act, and Commodity Inspection Act.


How to obtain the list?

  1. Click here to search for the latest inventory
  2. Search on the official website:
  3. Contact CIRS Group to purchase the latest version (in Excel)


Our services

  • Consulting and training services
  • New Chemical Substance Search
  • Data assessment and data gap analysis (including testing data assessment)
  • Commissioned testing service for experimental data
  • Pre-registration and late pre-registration services for existing chemical substances in Taiwan
  • Standard registration service for existing chemical substances in Taiwan
  • New chemical substance registration services in Taiwan (compliance with both TCSCA and OSHA regulations): standard registration, simplified registration and its extension, low volume registration and its extension, Pre-listing consultation, etc.
  • Hazard and Exposure Assessment (CSR) in Taiwan
  • SDS and Label Production in Taiwan

If you have any questions, please contact us at chemicals@cirs-group.com.

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