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Chemical Substance Inventory in Taiwan, China (TCSI)
Items: 101089
Last update: Aug 10, 2016

Chemical Substance Inventory in Taiwan,China(TCSI) was firstly published by the Ministry of Labor in 2014. After several supplements and the compilation of the chemical substances nominated by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, currently the TCSI includes over 100,000 existing chemical substances. New chemical substances that have completed standard registrations in Taiwan will also be added to the TCSI if they meet relevant requirements.

► Chemical substances listed in the TCSI are existing chemical substances. All manufactured or imported existing substances with tonnage 0.1t/y shall be pre-registered (Phase 1 registration) prior to first production or import in Taiwan.

► Chemical substances that are not listed in the TCSI are new chemical substances and shall be subject to new chemical substance registration prior to production/import in Taiwan. The registration of new chemicals is divided into three types based on the form of the substance, applicable situations, or hazard levels, including standard registration, simplified registration, and small volume registration.

Click here to search for more details:

If the product has been listed in the TCSI, you shall check whether the product is subject to toxic or concerned chemical substances in Taiwan. If it is subject to toxic or concerned chemicals, its production, import, process and use may be restricted or prohibited, and permits from the regulatory authorities may be required.


Regulations and standards

► Regulations of New and Existing Chemical Substances Registration (November 23, 2021)
► Notes on the tool for Regulations of New and Existing Chemical Substances Registration (First Edition) (August 2015)
► Administrative Measures for Registration of New Substances (August 19, 2015)


Regulatory authorities

► Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor
► Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Taiwan
► Bureau of Toxic and Chemical Substances of EPA, Taiwan



The following substances are exempted:

  1. Naturally occurring substances;

  2. Chemical substances accompanied in the machines and equipment for test-run purpose;

  3. Inseparable intermediates from the chemical reaction in the reaction vessel or in the production process;

  4. Chemical substances for national security or national defense purposes;

  5. Chemical substances under customs supervision;

  6. Chemical wastes produced or released from industrial process;

  7. By-products or impurities that are of no commercial application;

  8. Mixtures (not applicable to the individual chemical constituents of the mixture);

  9. Articles (not applicable if the substances contained in the article will be intentionally released during normal use);

  10. A polymer for which the 2% rule is applicable and listed on the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances;

  11. Others already regulated by existing laws and regulations such as agro-pesticides, feeds, fertilizers and pharmaceuticals.


How to obtain TCSI?

  1. Click here to search for the latest inventory

  2. Search the website:

  3. Contact CIRS Group to purchase the latest version (in Excel)


Our services

  • General consultancy & training

  • Search and confirm if a substance is new in Taiwan

  • Data evaluation (including testing data evaluation)

  • Experimental data commissioning test

  • Pre-registration and late pre-registration services for existing chemical substances in Taiwan

  • Standard registration for existing chemical substances in Taiwan

  • Registration for new chemical substances in Taiwan (in compliance with TCSCA and OSHA regulations): standard registration, simplified registration and its extension, small volume registration and its extension, PLC pre-approval, etc.

  • Taiwan Hazard Assessment and Exposure Assessment (CSR)

  • Preparation of SDS and label in compliance with Taiwan GHS

If you have any questions, please contact us at chemicals@cirs-group.com.

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