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Catalogue of Prohibited Dangerous Chemicals by Inland River in China (2019 Edition)

Last updateMar 08, 2021

The latest version of the Inventory of Hazardous Chemicals Prohibited in Inland Rivers (hereinafter referred to as the Inventory) was published in 2019. It includes a total of 313 kinds of hazardous chemicals, containing 228 kinds of hazardous chemicals that are completely prohibited in inland rivers and 85 kinds of hazardous chemicals that are prohibited to be transported in bulk.

According to the Article 54 of the Regulations on the Safety Administration of Hazardous Chemicals, the transportation of highly toxic chemicals and other hazardous chemicals prohibited by the State through the enclosed waters of inland rivers is prohibited. The specific obligations can be referred to as following:

► 228 hazardous chemicals listed in the Inventory are completely prohibited in Inland Rivers in any forms; 85 hazardous chemicals listed in the Inventory are prohibited to be transported in Inland Rivers in bulk.

► Highly toxic chemicals listed in the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals are completely prohibited in Inland Rivers in any forms.

► Hazardous chemicals listed as unstable explosives in the Hazardous Chemicals Classification Information Sheet are completely prohibited in Inland Rivers in any forms.

► For goods containing ammonium chlorate (CAS No.: 10192-29-7), perchloric acid (CAS No.: 7601-90-3) with concentration > 72%, methyl nitrite (CAS No.: 624-91-9), zinc ammonium nitrite (CAS No.: 63885-01-8), and ammonium nitrate (CAS No.: 6484-52-2) with combustible material ≤ 0.2% which is readily self-heating and sufficient to initiate, they are completely prohibited in Inland Rivers in any forms.

► Hazardous chemicals prohibited to be transported in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) are completely prohibited in Inland Rivers in any forms.

► Hazardous chemicals classified as hazardous to Aquatic Environment - Acute Toxicity Hazard as Category 1, or Aquatic Environment - Long-term Hazard as Category 1, are completely prohibited in Inland Rivers in any forms.

► If the hazardous chemical is also considered as a dangerous good, the consignors shall meet relevant requirements for inland rivers transport of dangerous goods.

Click here to search for the details:


Regulations and standards

Regulations on the Safety Administration of Dangerous Chemicals
Yangtze River Protection Law of the People's Republic of China
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Rivers (Decree No. 355 of the State Council of PRC)
► Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Safety Supervision and Administration of Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Vessels (Decree No. 11, 2018 of the Ministry of Transport of PRC)


Regulatory authorities

► Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China
► The maritime safety administration
► Ports for dangerous goods operation


How to obtain the list?

  1. Click here to search for the latest inventory
  2. Search the website:
  3. Contact CIRS Group to purchase the latest version (in Excel)


Our services

  • SDS review
  • Hazardous chemicals registration
  • Agent for the 24h China emergency telephone number for chemical incidents
  • China GHS compliance SDSs and labels compilation
  • Information inquiry of data and classification of chemicals under the Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals

If you have any questions, please contact us at chemicals@cirs-group.com.

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