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Inventory of Chemicals Subject to Supervision and Control in China (CWC)

Last updateDec 29, 2023

In China, 'Chemicals Subject to Supervision and Control' refers to substances included in the List of Various Chemicals Subject to Supervision and Control, which encompasses the following categories of chemicals:

Category I: chemicals which can be used as chemical weapons;

Category II: chemicals which can be used as precursors of chemical weapons;

Category III: chemicals which can be used as the major raw materials for the production of chemical weapons;

Category IV: specially designated organic chemicals other than explosives and pure hydrocarbons.

► Those engaged in the production, operation or use of Chemicals Subject to Supervision and Control shall make corresponding notification or record with the competent authority of chemical industry department under the State Council or the chemical industry department under the people's government at the provincial, autonomous regional or municipal level, and accept relevant inspection and supervision.

► Unless for scientific, medical, pharmaceutical or protective purposes, any import of Category I Chemicals are prohibited.

► Enterprises that import/export Chemicals Subject to Supervision and Control shall be national franchising units and shall apply for the import/export licenses of dual-use items and technologies.

If your products are included in the List of Various Chemicals Subject to Supervision and Control, you should check whether these products are under other restrictions such as the Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals. If listed, corresponding obligations shall be met such as registration and permit application.


Regulations and standards

Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of Chemicals Subjected to Supervision and Control
Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of Chemicals Subjected to Supervision and Control
Measures for the Administration on Import and Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies


Regulatory authorities

► Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
► Ministry of Commerce


Franchising units

According to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Chemicals Subject to Supervision and Control, and its Detailed Implementation Rules, only designated units can engage in the business related to controlled chemicals for the purpose to facilitate monitoring and management.

Specific designated units may refer to the following website:


How to obtain the list?

  1. Click here to search for the latest inventory
  2. Search on the official website:
  3. Contact CIRS Group to purchase the latest version (in Excel)

If you have any questions, please contact us at chemicals@cirs-group.com.

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