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Korea Existing Chemicals List (KECL)

Last updateJun 06, 2023

The Korea Existing Chemicals List (KECL) is jointly released by the Korean Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Employment and Labor, which includes the following substances:

1) Substances used for commercial purposes in South Korea before February 2, 1991, and was notified by the government before December 23, 1996;
2) Substances have completed toxicological assessments under the TCCA and have been notified since February 2, 1991.

The existing chemicals in South Korea will be assigned a KE Number respectively. In some special cases, a toxic substance without a KE number shall also be classified as an existing chemical.

► Chemicals not listed in the KECL are new chemical substances. Official registrations or notification is required before production/ import.

Under the K-REACH, notification is required for new chemical substances in quantities ≤ 0.1t/a, while registration based on the specified tonnage data requirements shall be completed for new chemical substances in quantities ≥ 0.1t/a.

► Substances listed in the KECL and classified as priority existing chemicals (PEC) shall complete registrations prior to its production, import and use.

► Substances listed in KECL but are classified as PEC shall complete (pre-) registrations prior to its production, import and use.

► Companies that have completed registration shall provide hazard information to the downstream users, including Form 25 and Form 26.

Click here to search for the details:


Regulations and standards

The Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemicals was amended on January. 1, 2019.


Regulatory authorities

► Korean Ministry of Environment (MOE)



The following substances are exempted:

  1. Radioactive materials defined in Article 2, subparagraph 5 of the Nuclear Safety Act;
  2. Medicinal and quasi-drugs defined in Article 2, subparagraph 4 and subparagraph 7 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act;
  3. Narcotics defined in the Narcotics Control Act;
  4. Cosmetics and raw materials used for cosmetics defined in the Cosmetics Act;
  5. Pesticides and active ingredients defined in Article 2, subparagraph 1 and subparagraph 3 of the Pesticide Control Act;
  6. Fertilizers defined in Article 2, subparagraph 1 of the Fertilizer Control Act;
  7. Foods, food additives, apparatus and containers defined in Article 2, subparagraph 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the Food Sanitation Act;
  8. Feed defined in Article 2, subparagraph 1 of the Control of Livestock and Fish Feed Act;
  9. Explosives defined in Article 2, subparagraph 3 of the Act on Control of Guns, Swords, and Explosives;
  10. Munitions defined in Article 2 of the Act on the Management of Military Supplies and Article 3, subparagraph 2 of the Defense Acquisition Program Act (excluding ordinary commodities prescribed in Article 3 of the Act on the Management of Military Supplies);
  11. Health functional foods defined in Article 3, subparagraph 1 of the Health Functional Foods Act;
  12. Medical devices defined in Article 2, subparagraph 1 of the Medical Devices Act;
  13. Hygiene products defined in Article 2, subparagraph 1 of the Hygiene Products Control Act;
  14. Biocidal substances and biocidal products defined in Article 3, subparagraphs 7 and 8 of the Act on Safety Control of Consumer Chemical Products and Biocides;
  15. Raw materials for organic agricultural and fishery products.


How to obtain the list?

  1. Click here to search for the latest inventory
  2. Search on the official website: https://ncis.nier.go.kr/en/main.do
  3. Contact CIRS Group to purchase the latest version (in Excel)


Our services

  • K-REACH Only Representative
  • K-REACH Pre-registration
  • K-REACH Registration
  • General consultancy and training
  • New Substance Inquiry
  • MOE Registration Exemption Application
  • Risk assessment report
  • Review and translation of Test monitoring and research reports
  • Preparation of Korean SDS and label
  • Regulatory update monitoring
  • New substance registration under KOSHA
  • Korean Designated Laboratory or GLP Laboratory Test Project Commissioning

If you have any questions, please contact us at chemicals@cirs-group.com.

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